Arizona Gold & Gems Maps Then and Now

Arizona Gold & Gems Maps Then and Now

  • $ 15.95

Arizona Gold & Gems Maps Then and Now is a package of 5 maps printed on both sides. Map #1 is of the NW Section. Side #2 is a map of 1868 showing early Mineral Locales. Map 2 is of the NE Section with the map of 1869 on the reverse showing the Mineral Districts. Map 3 is of the SW Section. Side #2 is a map of 1886 showing early townsites. Map 4 shows the SE section with text and photos on side #2. Map 5 is a map of 1881 with the north half on side #1 and the south half on side #2. All maps in the series are in packages measuring 6.5 by 9.5. The very readible maps measure 17 1/2 X 23.