A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert
The Sonoran Desert covers a large are including southeastern California, much of southern and central Arizona, most of Baja and most of the state of Sonora, Mexico. The landscape varies from parched deserts to semiarid tropical forests and frigid subalpine meadows. More than 40 scientists and/or naturalists examine the regions biodiversity, geology, weather, plants and animals, as well as potential threats to the species and habitats. This new edition adds chapters on the Sky Islands, Sea of Cortez, desert pollinators, and conservation issues. Taxonomic nomenclature has been updated and new color plates and figures have been added. Photographs, maps, diagrams and 450 finely rendered drawings supplement the text. This book should be in the hands of all nature enthusiasts, birdwatchers, hikers, students, naturalists and all who love the Southwest. @ 2015 Second Edition Paperback 575 pages