Street Meeting - Multiethnic Neighborhoods in Early Twentieth-Century Los Angeles
The Best in Tent Camping - Southern California
The Coachella Valley Preserve: The Struggle for a Desert Wetlands
The Definitive Guide to the Waterfalls of Southern and Central California
The Grumbling Gods - A Palm Springs Reader
The McCallum Saga - the Story of the Founding of Palm Springs
The Salton Sea: An Account of Harriman's Fight with the Colorado River (1917)
The Salton Sea: The Action Of Salton Sea Water On Vegetable Tissues (1914)
The Way We Were California: Nostalgic Images of the Golden State
Tidepools: Southern California - A guide to 92 locations from Point Conception to Mexico
TrailRunner'sGuide San Diego
Trails Of The Angeles
True Stories of Riverside and the Inland Empire
West Hollywood
William Mulholland and The Rise of Los Angeles
Wonders of the Coachella Valley
You Know You're in California When
Yucaipa 1940s-1980s