Firescaping - Creating fire-resistant landscapes, gardens, and properties in California's diverse environments
Floods, Droughts, And Climate Change
Frozen Earth The Once And Future Story of Ice Ages
Glaciers of California
Hazardous Metropolis, Flooding and Urban Ecology in Los Angeles
Historical Atlas of California
Historical Atlas of Washington and Oregon
Introduction to Air in California - California Natural history Guides No. 87
Introduction To Earth, Soil, and Land In California
Introduction to Energy in California - California Natural History Guides No. 97
Introduction to Fire in California - California Natural History Guides No. 95
Introduction to Water in California - California Natural History Guides No. 76
John Muir: A Naturalist in California
Last Refuge - The Environmental Showdown In The American West
Life In Ancient Ice
Living Green - A Practical Guide To Simple Sustainability
Living with the Changing California Coast
Managing Water - Avoiding Crisis In California
Mobilizing The Green Revolution
Mountain Islands and Desert Seas
National Audubon Society Field Guide To California
Natural History of California
Natural History of the Islands of California - California Natural History Guides No. 61
Natural State