Day & Section Hikes Pacific Crest Trail - Northern California
Many hikers dream of walking the entire length of the famed Pacific Crest Trail (2,650 miles from Canada to Mexico). But time, jobs, and other obligations get in the way. This new guide makes it easy to explore the most memorable stretches of the route in Northern California. While not intended for thru-hiking reference, the handy format and concise information makes this book a perfect companion for short trips on the PCT. Trips range from one day to multi-day adventures along the trail. Each trip is shown on a map and has an elevation profile, depicting all the ups and downs, with GPS coordinates given for trailheads. Includes a comprehensive ratings system (for scenery, trail condition, difficulty, and solitude), information on water sources, links to continuing trails, and other vital details. This title contains 32 trips in Northern California. Wendy Lautner, 2010, 186 pages, paperback