Big Bear Lake Backcountry Trail Map

Big Bear Lake Backcountry Trail Map

  • $ 3.00

he San Bernardino Mountains reach nearly two miles skyward to separate the east end of the Los Angeles basin from the high desert areas of Victorville and Hesperia. At 6,750 feet, Big Bear Valley is located in the heart of the San Bernardino Mountains. The Valley was named after the grizzly bears who once roamed the mountains. Fifteen years after the discovery of Big Bear Valley, Bill Holcomb found gold in the valley north of Big Bear--Holcomb Valley. The news of his discovery in 1860 traveled quickly and Holcomb Valley became part of the gold rush era. Boom towns like Clapboard, Belleville and Doble provided services for the 1500 residents living in Holcomb Valley. The first miners dug down to the bedrock for the gold-rich soil and rock. After most of the placer mines were claimed, miners began digging hafts along quartz veins. The mountainous terrain offers Californians year round recreation: from winter sports to summer camping. The off highway opportunities, like most areas, are divided into roads for street legal vehicles (registered to drive on public streets) and those vehicles without the proper equipment for street use (green stickered ATVs and motorcycles). Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead Ranger districts have designated roads for joint and separate use. The dirt roads south of Big Bear Lake are open to street legal vehicles with only one exception. Which is, after the snow depth reaches twelve inches this area is closed to all motorized vehicles. However, the roads are open year round on the north side of the lake. The land management plan provides for a connecting ATV and Motorcycle route across the north side of Holcomb Valley. When completed the designated route will connect the staging area off Highway 18 (3N03) with the Crab Flats Campground and staging area. As permanent sections of the ATV route are designated, the current (temporary) routes will be closed to ATVs. Follow the signs and stay alert. The roads open to four wheel drives and other street legal vehicles are plentiful. Sidekick Off Road, Published 2007, Scale Various, Format Folded, Relief Topo, Flat Dimensions (inches) 17 x 14