Introduction to California Mountain Wildflowers - California Natural History Guides No. 68
Many landscapes in California’s mountains are still relatively untouched by human activity and provide excellent opportunities for viewing wildflowers. This guidebook describes and illustrates the wildflowers that grow from the yellow pine belt up into the natural rock gardens that grow above timberline. First published in 1963, this convenient book has introduced thousands to California’s mountain wildflowers. Now fully updated and revised, it reflects the many advances in botany that have occurred in the past forty years. * 257 species are described and illustrated by a new color photograph, a precise line drawing, or both * Covers all of California's mountain ranges—from the Klamath Mountains and Cascade Range to the north, through the Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada, to the peninsular ranges and San Bernardino mountains in southern California—as well as most of the mountain ranges in between * This new edition includes more plants, gives helpful hints for identifying species, and incorporates new taxonomic and distribution information Philip A. Munz, 2003, 247 pages, hardcover