Raptors of the West: Captured in Photographs
With their striking looks, keen vision, and hunting prowess, the birds of prey eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls have long captured the human imagination. Now Raptors of the West, a collection of some of most remarkable and action-packed raptor photographs ever taken, can inspire your own imagination to take flight. This book, the latest collaboration by award-winning photographers Rob Palmer and Nick Dunlop and author/photographer Kate Davis, is a glorious photographic ode to the forty-four birds of prey that roam the skies of the American West. Instead of grouping the birds by type owls with owls, hawks with hawks the book has chapters arranged by the habitat type and region where each bird spends the breeding season. Whether you re enjoying these pages from the comfort of your own armchair or taking a trip to the field you can see which birds to look for in that area Swainson's Hawks soar over grasslands next to Prairie Falcons while Cooper s Hawks share mature forests with Flammulated Owls. While the 400-plus stunning color photographs are enough to set this book apart on their own, Davis's informative and entertaining text completes the picture. Kate Davis, Rob Palmer and Nick Dunlop, 2011, 241 pages, softcover