Mining Districts and Mineral Resources of Nevada

Mining Districts and Mineral Resources of Nevada

  • $ 19.95

The object of this book is to present authentic information concerning the mining districts and mineral resources of Nevada. It is essentially a compilation of the writings of the staff of the U.S. Geological survey, who furnished the bases for the majority of geological descriptions, and the Division of Mineral Resources, which contributed most of the data concerning productions. No other comprehensive work of this character has appeared for a number of years. As its name implies, it is divided into two main parts: one on mining districts and the other on mineral resources. The accompanying map shows the approximate location of each of the mining districts described. The section on mineral resources provides a cross reference by useful mineral substances to the section on the mining districts, besides noting many localities not included under districts and containing a number of production tables and bibliographies of individual resources. Francis Church Lincoln. 1982- This is a reproduction of the 1923 1st edition published by the Nevada Newsletter Publishing Company, 295 pages, softcover