Tom Harrison Recreation Maps
Tom Harrison Maps…. publish absolutely the best full-color, shaded-relief topographic maps for hiking, backpacking, and mountain biking in Parks, Forests, and Wilderness Areas in California. Our maps have color-coded symbols and trails, mileages between trail junctions, latitude/longitude, UTM grids, contour lines, vegetation, and elevations at trail junctions. We started putting both UTM grids and Latitude /Longitude markings on our maps in 1996, and all of our maps now have them. We are the only private topographic mapping company in California that includes both a UTM grid and Lat/Long values. Our maps are multi-purpose and they show whether bikes are allowed on trails or not. They show mileage between trail junctions. They show, by color-coded symbols, campgrounds, group camps, RV camps, interpretive trails, and 4wd roads.